Friday, December 4, 2009

Episode 9: Twitter at the altar?

I read this morning on Yahoo Odd News that someone interrupted his wedding to Tweet that he just got married hahaha.

Groom creates viral storm twittering from altar:
NEW YORK (Reuters) – A Maryland groom has created an viral story storm after he interrupted his wedding last month to update his Facebook and Twitter accounts from the altar.
Dana Hanna, who works for a pet website, also posted a short video of the ceremony on the Internet. It showed him reaching into his pocket for his phone as the minister was about to pronounce the couple husband and wife.
For the full article (must read, it tells you what his Tweet was!), go here: Twitter interruption.

I'm really new to this whole Twitter thing (literally, maybe a week only), and while I acknowledge that it IS pretty addicting... wow. Even I have a limit to my geekiness. (Yes, I say that even though I took the picture of me so that you can see my Bleach anime calendar at my work cubicle.)

Romeo better not pull out his iPhone at the altar next March because if he does, I'm going to laugh so hard that I'll start crying and then it'll ruin whatever makeup I have on and he'll look like he's marrying a clown lookin' chick (nobody wants a clown for a wife. They're scary!). And then my family will disown him before we're even married! Traditional Asian parents FTW.

My friend Hollen suggested streaming a video of my wedding live over the internet for those who can't make it. Not entirely sure what I think of that. It could be pretty cool, and then it could be pretty ... embarrasing. Blackmail material :O Who knows what crazy shenanigans will happen that can't get edited out before the world sees it? :)

I know I say I want to be famous one day, but I'd prefer it to be for something a little more worthwhile... say, saving the world for example. Ah well, we'll see what happens. Can't have it all I guess :D

Wednesday, December 2, 2009

Infomercial: New phone follow up

Got my replacement Blackberry 8330 Curve today. I was excited... until I opened the box. I was hoping they'd give me the pink one again, but alas, I got a boring refurbished gray one. Well, ok, that's not too bad. It looks new enough so I went to go turn that baby on. And then it didn't do anything. Apparently, refurbs don't come with battery packs either.

Well... So I get my old battery pack and put it in the new BB. So far so good. I don't do anything to the new one because the plan is to take it to the Verizon store so they can transfer the data for me. At least it's got the new OS on it. I couldn't even upgrade my old BB to the new OS, it kept failing.

Romeo and I get to the Verizon store and the employee proceeds to transfer the data over. I get both phones back and I look at the new one - it's got the contacts so I think ok cool, everything went through ok.

Then I get home and notice my emails didn't transfer over... and then I can't find the app that allows me to add/change email addresses. Dude. It's just not looking good. I find the Email Setup in the Setup Wizard... and lo and behold, the only options are:
1) Connect to a Blackberry Enterprise Server email address (for businesses) or 
2) Skip this step.

(Actually, hell wasn't quite the word I had in mind, but I thought I'd keep it friendly).

I go back to Verizon and the guy who attempts to help me doesn't know squat about BB's but his coworker finally helps and explains it to him super fast in Spanish and sets it up so that I have my Email Setup app now. It still remembers my email addresses at the least. Not a bad sign. So I go play with the Motorola Droid for a few minutes (not too shabby actually) and then head home.

So the fun part begins, I get to start installing the apps that didn't transfer over. You know, the all important AOL Instant Messenger, Facebook, Twitter...  I start with AIM and after it downloads and is in the process of installing, my BB reboots itself. Magically. For no apparent reason. Oookay. It reboots and then I go to install AIM again and it works this time.  I get through UberTwitter just fine and think, ok that reboot was a fluke. Right?

Then I realize the BB Messenger that is preinstalled is the older version, so I go into the App World to download the newest version (you know, with those fancy Group Barcodes), and lo and behold, after it downloads and is in the process of THINKING for a good 2 minutes about installing, IT REBOOTS ITSELF AGAIN.

And here I am ... waiting for this stupid install as I blog/rant about it.

BlackBerry 8330 Curve:
Seriously, new OS or not, NOT impressed.